Instant Gas Hot Water

There will surely come a time when the heater that you’ve been using for so many years will become outdated, and you need to find something new. You don’t have to worry, though, as options are pouring in. They’re not only technologically well designed and efficient, but they’re also environment friendly.

Tankless gas hot water systems, demand water heaters, and point of use water heaters have become increasingly popular in recent years. They are more cost effective, fairly easy to have installed, flexible, they require less maintenance and they provide an endless supply of hot water. They also take up less space in your utility room and are far more attractive than their larger more cumbersome tank heating counter parts.

One of the most popular types of water heater systems in the market is the tankless water heater. It is called as such since, unlike other heaters in the market, this doesn’t come with tanks. You may now wonder how it’s going to store water. It doesn’t! Instead it heats up water only when you need it. This makes it environment friendly since there’s no heat loss to begin with. You see, in the tank water heating system setup, hot water is stored inside the tank. But since you don’t use hot water literally all the time, the hot water then suddenly becomes lukewarm and sometimes a bit cold. Then the heater heats it up again when you want to use it. In the process, some energy is wasted during storage.

How Does It Work?

A subtype of the tankless water heater is the one that uses gas. It’s easy to determine since it uses a burner, which basically tells you how much water is heated at a specific time, among others. It’s not the tank size that specifies these things.

When you turn the faucet of the sink or the bathroom shower, for example, the burner is also turned on, and it starts to heat up the water. Gas tends to heat up faster than its electric counterpart, so the waiting period is definitely less. Meanwhile, when you turn the knob off, the burner also stops working.

The Downsides

Most definitely, tankless gas hot water systems have their limitations. For one, you still have to wait for the water to become heated (though it’s not really a long wait). That’s unlike a tank hot water system where hot water is available on the go. Moreover, tankless gas hot water heater is not that easy to install, even if it doesn’t tend to occupy a lot of space.

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